Reversing Bans

No matter how obvious it is that a ban needs to be reversed, it is ALWAYS a massive battle to get it done. I do not know why that should be so, but it is. The ban on snus in the EU never really had much scientific backing. It was thought that snus might ’cause’ oral cancer, but that idea was only a thought. I have no idea what scientific evidence was produced to validate the ban on snus. The probability is that the evidence was typically distorted by choice of subjects. Thousands were ignored, and only sufferers were included.

For is that not a problem with ‘The Doctors Study’? Only sufferers of death were included. Survivors were not. Perhaps that is the reason that ‘The Doctors Study’ was terminated before all the doctors had died. Perhaps it was just convenient not to reveal that all the doctors died, for one reason or another.

All the doctors died. 40,000 doctors died.

But we can see how, once a ban has been inflicted upon us, our choices are completely destroyed. I mean COMPLETELY. Bans destroy our right to choose.

But can we rely upon Government to correct the imbalance? We cannot, since Gov originated the imbalance.

The only way to protest is for someone to open a smoking bar where everyone knows that smoking is permitted and the staff are smokers. There must be thousands of billionaires who gained from ‘freedom’ to trade.

The World is a mess, but only because the UN etc is at war with the people. The UN advocates slavery.

4 Responses to “Reversing Bans”

  1. Smoking Lamp Says:

    The smoking bans and suns bans aren’t based on actual health results but reflect an ideological meme as a tool for social engineering. The desired end-state is social control and prohibition. Health interests are merely a facade, Smoking bans must be reversed and tobacco control destroyed. The question is how do we expose their lies and reverse decades of propaganda?

    • junican Says:

      I think that the lies and exaggerations are regularly exposed. Chris Snowdon does so almost every day. Public Health is like weather forecasters – they never to back and explain why their forecasts were wrong, if they can possibly avoid doing so. The current snus furore shows it. One the one hand, you have the Gov saying it wants to pursue harm reduction, and then sends lawyers to Geneva to defend the snus ban. Don’t expect an explanation of that contradiction.

  2. Timothy Goodacre Says:

    If i had the money i’d definitely open such a bar and give away my own cigs in non plain packs !

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