Does Tobacco Control have an Inferiority Complex?

That thought only struck me tonight.

I was reading Jay’s blog, Nannying Tyrants (see sidebar), about the way in which Tobacco Tactics (the Bath Uni blog which claims to reveal the iniquities of ‘tobacco company stooges’, like Frank Davis, Dick Puddlecote, etc) has falsified its statistics to suggest that it is receiving hundreds of thousands of ‘visits’ and that this reveals how popular the blog is. Considering that the Bath Uni must have really good IT technicians, one would have thought that the TC Bigots would have checked before revealing their ignorance. You see, they claimed over a million ‘hits’ and thereby construed over a million ‘views’. The fact is that a ‘hit’ is just (something like) an exchange of contacts between one internet site and another. Thus, when a person ‘views’ a page on TT, it is possible for dozens of ‘hits’ to be registered as the TT page is loading because different elements of the page are loaded separately. One commenter revealed that the number of ‘views’  was about 57,000. For heavens sake! – This little blog alone has had 68,000 view in the twelve months or so of its existence! And that is nothing. Also, TT confuses viewing with popularity. How silly!

I know little about psychology, but I have read from time to time about the idea of ‘inferiority complex’. There was a time when we took these ideas rather seriously, but that was before we came to understand that ‘experts’ know bugger-all. But let us run with it.

It was understood that people with an ‘inferiority complex’ tended to brag a lot. It was said that these people feel insecure and inadequate, and so they compensate by grasping straws and exaggerating their achievements in conversations – this to gain complements from their peers, and thus buttress them. I think that the idea was that psychologists could recognise this trend and, perhaps, get to the root of the insecurity and feeling of inferiority and correct it.


But could that apply to “INDUSTRIES”? Well, Yes – if that ‘Industry’ has no physical existence. The Tobacco Control Industry is a real industry since it employs a lot of people who produce things like press releases, but it has no physical existence. Also, it is very profitable to the individuals involved, either directly or indirectly or fraudulently (fraudulently meaning semi-bribes like paid-for trips to exotic places, funding of meetings, shares in pharma companies, salaries, etc. You see, in this sort of Industry, any ‘bribe’ which benefits all, benefits each).


The bragging of TC about the stats of the TobaccoTactics blog must be a prime example of a collective inferiority complex. But as Jay said when I mentioned it, it must always have been so. Tobacco Control must always have been aware that their basic premise,  being The Dolls Doctor Study, was flawed in many ways. One of the principle flaws of the Doctors Study was that it took no account of the LOCATION of the doctors. As I understand it, there is no doubt that smokers who live in country areas, all things being equal, suffer considerably less lung cancer and heart problems. But that is not all. The Zealots must also be aware that they are LYING when they say that banning smoking ‘in places where people ordinarily smoke’ is ‘for the children‘ . When you LIE, you automatically BECOME inferior – and you know it. The only way out, when your lies are revealed, is bluster. And ‘bluster’ (bragging) is what we are seeing more and more of.

What is most likely to happen is not a gradual diminution of Tobacco Control but a complete collapse. It is no accident that, in the EU, there is a Department (for lack of a better word) which is called ‘Environment and Health’. Erm … What is the DIRECT connection between Global Warming and the Health of Individuals? It is no accident that these two separate things are connected since they are linked to the UN. Thus, it is clear that the EU has more ‘loyalty’ to the UN than to the People of Europe.

We should be aware that every ASH ET AL survey (often via YouGov, whose owner is an ASH trustee) is just bragging. These surveys are a way for ASH to circumvent the fact that they have no substantial proof of anything they say. They rely TOTALLY upon ADVERTISING LIES. I would be interested to know whether it is true that ASH pay newspapers to publish their press releases, either directly or indirectly.


Finally, it seems to me that they are right to have an inferiority complex because they ARE inferior. This has become obvious as a result of the convulsions of Tobacco Control over ecigs. I have been watching the EU Workshop discussions about regulating ecigs tonight. I have not yet finished watching because it is about an hour long. Apparently, the Chairman Zealot was discomfited by the fact that her carefully orchestrated procession of Zealots was countered by realists. Tobacco Control Zealots ARE inferior because they know nothing and rely entirely upon rumours.


4 Responses to “Does Tobacco Control have an Inferiority Complex?”

  1. prog Says:

    Yes, grasping at straws, I think partly out of desparation because in recent years they have achived nothing with regard to health and smoking rates. They’ll do anything to justify jobs and careers but the cracks are certainly starting to show.

    • junican Says:

      There was an interesting comment from one of the panel in the video of the EU ‘workshop’ on ecigs. She said that the UK has almost fully implemented the Framework Convention.
      Where then has tobacco control in the UK got to go?

  2. smokingscot Says:

    If memory serves they got £58k to set this thing up and the funding is coming to an end.

    My suspicion is this has more to do with getting another year out of CRUK and their other sponsor.

    Was inclined to run a closed loop on them to really bang up their hit rates because it’s always a source of amusement. Didn’t though.

    Irony is the thing’s hosted out of the Netherlands, so they’re not even spreading their largesse to a British ISP.

    • junican Says:

      That sounds very likely.
      I used the phrase ‘inferiority complex’, but there is more to it. Why do the zealots constantly need face to face meetings in far-flung places rather than the using the net? It can only be so that they can reassure each other, brag and pat each other on the back. And why is it that they rarely have comments on their blogs? It can only be that they know that their ‘science’ is very weak.
      An awful lot of charlatans have jumped onto the anti-tobacco bandwagon monopoly and these people more than any know how weak their position is in reality.

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