About the Tyranny

Readers will understand the lack of posts since ‘Herself’ has been in hospital.  But it is not as simple as that. Hospitalisation seriously disrupts normal lifestyles. By lifestyles, I mean the regularity of our lives. We tend to rise from our beds at an appropriate time, depending upon whether we have to go to work or are retired and such. Even when you are retired, hospitalisations disrupt your routine. Thus, the patient is not the only one who is affected.

But perhaps what is more important is the lack of communication upon release from hospital. She came home with several medicines and a copy of a letter to her GP, but no instructions about the medication. The instructions on the packets are generic and not specific.  That will not do upon release from hospital.


I have read quite a lot today about how the West is increasing the cost of energy by subsidising windfarms and such. At the same time, China and India are creating coalmines galore.

It strikes me that there is a closed circle at work. That is, there is a group of people who have no responsibility to any individual. They can override the reasonable right of a person to be self-sufficient, and declare self-sufficiency to be a crime.

I suppose that Government has always been ‘crude’. That is because Government cannot be other than ‘one size fits all’. What is odd about that is that Government costs so much. If ‘one size fits all’ is the rule, why mess about? Just say so.

Because it is becoming more and more evident that ‘one size fits all’ is the new political rule.


There is little that any individual can do, other than disobey and vote for ‘other’.

There is a huge principle hanging in the air:

“What legitimacy has a Government if only, say, 20% of the population bother to vote?” Or, to put it another way, why should people vote for a tyranny?

5 Responses to “About the Tyranny”

  1. smokingscot Says:

    “What legitimacy has a Government if only, say, 20% of the population bother to vote?”

    Certainly something the Egyptians’ have taken to heart. And I can’t blame them.


    (Yet that will not phase the EU nor the USA; they’ll continue to pour our taxes at them as the “democratically elected government”).

    • junican Says:

      Of course, SS, you are right. That is what will happen. But I KNOW that politicians get worried when turnout is low in General Elections. Other elections are not as important since central government is the real power in the country.
      We know that elections in tyrannies are faked or do not happen. In Iraq elections, Saddam H got 99% approval.
      Tyrants do not allow ‘proper’ elections.

      Reverse that thought.

      If The People cannot be bothered to vote, it must be because they regard the Government to be tyrannical. They see voting as not worth the bother or they see their votes as being for either one tyranny or another. So why vote? In General Elections, voting figures illustrate the disillusionment of the electorate. If voters do not vote, it is because they believe that voting will make no difference, which is only slightly less than tyranny.

  2. Ed Says:

    I can’t remember the last time I voted, but if I was forced to by law, then I would probably pay the fine or spoil the ballot paper! This has been going on in Australia where voting is compulsory;


    When you have Labour continuing Thatcherite policies and conservatives that conserve nothing at all, there may just exist a cryptocracy above our elected representatives that isn’t responsible to any democratic institutions, which steer policies towards globalism, one world government and totalitarianism and our governments are subservient to them.

    It’s just a thought! 🙂

    • junican Says:

      I think that you are reasonably close. Decades ago, certain political cliques decided that the way to go was to take over National Institutions. I think that has happened. I think also that the takeover of the UN, and the infiltration of the WHO and the EU has been a consequence of the takeover of the Nat Insts.
      That is what I think, and it makes sense.

  3. smokingscot Says:

    @ Ed

    It is compulsory in Turkey, yet 13.5% refused to participate and 2.8% messed up their ballot papers.

    This link gives an excellent insight into the before and after it was deemed compulsory:


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